When we met for the first time, you told me that you wish you could take lessons, too, because you either used to play or you have always wanted to play the flute or the piano. You wanted to take lessons, too, but you didn’t want to take the extra time or money away from the family for yourself. The kids come first.
You didn’t know it, but I saw right through you. I offered you the easy chair in my studio, knowing you would learn, too. I’m happy about that.
Your eyes brightened when you saw that easy chair and you found out that I love it when parents watch the lesson. I told you that it works well to have a parent there, because they can solidify the information throughout the week. It becomes a 3-way conversation during the lessons.
I know that you’re going through your kids’ music every week and learning it, too. I know that you’re watching each lesson like a hawk, not because you don’t trust me, but because you want to learn everything you can during these lessons. You think I don’t notice, but I do.
I’m glad that you’re using your children’s lessons to learn the flute or the piano. I know that when your child hears you practicing, it normalizes practicing for your child. Your child hears you getting the music better and faster than her, and it drives her to do better. It actually makes your child one of the best in my studio.
I sincerely hope that your children’s lessons create a spark in you to learn the flute or piano better. I hope you will someday get to the point where you feel you can invest in yourself and get lessons.