There are a few practice techniques that involve slowing down, especially with a metronome. This article will be talking about the Boss Practice Technique, which has specific steps. This is mostly used for small sections of music at a time.
It’s very reliable – it will get you where you want to go – but it can be frustrating, so use this practice technique as a last resort. I’ve been told it’s called the boss technique because you’re bossing yourself, the music, and your body around.
Step 1
Slow it down to at least half speed, if not slower, with a metronome. I know metronomes are frustrating, but they’re sometimes necessary. I go more into that here.
Step 2
Speed it up with the metronome. Here’s how to tell how much to speed it up:
Easy: up 2 clicks (5-10 beats per minute)
Normal: up 1 click (1-4 beats per minute)
Hard: Stay where you are or go down a click or two.
Step 3
Continue to speed it up until you’re going at least 3 clicks (10-15 beats per minute) faster than your goal.
Step 4
Go your goal speed. It should feel easy, now.
Why Use a Metronome for the Boss Practice Technique?
The metronome is essential to the Boss practice technique because otherwise you’ll go really fast in the easy parts and really slow in the hard parts. It forces you to keep the tempo even. It also forces you to go faster than the goal speed.
The Boss Practice Technique Should be a Last Resort
This practice technique can be very frustrating and should be used as a last resort. It works very reliably, but you should try some of the other small section practice techniques, first, such as practicing backwards, practicing inside-out, or rhythmic changes. Those practice techniques go around the wall that your brain and your body have built around this tough section. The Boss practice technique goes through that wall.
Everybody Does the Boss Practice Technique
Whenever I speak to a different musician, I ask what their favorite practice technique is. The Boss technique is the most common that I hear. That’s because it works every time. It may not be as easy, it may not be fun, and it may take a long time, but it works.
Sometimes you have to have a practice technique that works for when nothing else does because no one has thought of the practice technique that is needed for that situation. Sometimes you can’t go around, under, or over the wall that is this problem. You have to go through the wall. This practice technique takes you through the wall.