I’m Back!

I’m not one to give myself the option of excuses. I generally feel that if you want to do something, you’ll figure out a way.

That being said, I have been remiss in my bi-weekly articles, and I apologize. Let me tell you about the happenings from the past few weeks that have kept me away from my computer.

I Got Covid

Yes, I got the dreaded Covid-19 over Thanksgiving. It was a light case – similar to a bad cold – but I did get fatigue. I had a hard time getting myself to do anything for a whole month.

I did get shortness of breath. Before calling the doctor (it was a Sunday), I decided to try playing flute, first. Within 15 minutes, my shortness of breath went away. I had a hard time practicing very long due to the fatigue, but I made sure to practice my flute without fail every day because of this. It kept the shortness of breath away.

Disclaimer: I’m not a medical professional, I’m just telling you about my experiences.

Phantom of the Opera

I talked more about that here. I’m greatly enjoying myself as music director, but it’s more work than I was doing before.


I will be starting a new series about this, but I am relearning the trumpet. I learned it back in college as part of my certification for music education, and now I’m relearning it for a teaching gig.

Published Composer!!!

I published a piano arrangement, Hallelujah, based on Leonard Cohen’s piece. I’m kind of in shock and awe that this happened.

My Husband Opened His Garage

My husband is an ASE Master Technician. He opened his own mechanic’s garage on January 4th. I’ve been helping him (almost) every morning with phone calls, checking in clients, etc. The name of the shop is DC Automotive.


So, it’s been a busy month and a half, but things are starting to settle into a groove. I feel like I can go back to writing an article every other week. Thank you for your patience, and I’ll see you in my next article. 🙂

Author: Tarah

I started playing flute in 1988 and piano in 1991. In 1996, my high school chose me to teach flute and piano to a partner grade school. I was chosen for a similar program in college. Tarah Schoell has always loved sharing her music and guiding others to learn new things. Because of this, she went to college to be a music teacher and has a B.S. in Elementary Education with a Concentrate in Music from Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN. Tarah uses her music education degree to teach from her flute and piano studio, play in various professional and community ensembles, and run a blog on practice techniques at thequarternotes.com. She is active in the Omaha Music Teacher’s Association because she likes to support her fellow music teachers and use the monthly continuing education opportunities.

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