Variable Practice – Making Lessons and Performances Easier

Variable Practice helps make your lessons and performances easier. Does your music seem harder for the lesson? I can’t count how many times per week a student says, “I had that perfect yesterday!” I always say that I believe them because it happens to me, too.

This is the science behind why you make more mistakes in your lessons or performances. They also have a way to fix it – Variable Practice!

Here are some additional ideas to do variable practice:
1. Staccato
2. Legato
3. Swing it
4. Arpeggiate the chords (piano only)
5. Do opposite dynamics than what are written
6. Move/Add Breath Marks
7. Practice in a different room (not with a standing instrument like a piano)

I know that I’ve been away from the blog for awhile due to some health issues. They’re wrapping up really soon so I can be more consistent in my writing. I saw this information come across my desk and I just had to share it with you!