Music Ensemble Etiquette

Etiquette in a music ensemble can be somewhat of a mystery. There are a lot of unsaid rules and norms out there for how to act among other musicians. This article should help to solve some mysteries and help you make a good name for yourself among your peers.

I’ve only ever played in America – the Midwest and in the Pacific Northwest – so some of these norms might be different where you live.

General Etiquette

Let’s get some of the basics out of the way that apply to every group situation. It’s good etiquette anywhere, not just in music ensembles. You probably already know this, but someone might need this information.

  1. Be on time. On time in music world means 10-15 minutes early because it gives you time to warm up. It’s passive-aggressive to be late and awkward to be more than 15 minutes early.
  2. Never criticize, condemn, or complain. Thank you, Dale Carnegie, for writing this book and spelling it out for us all (not an affiliate link).
  3. Be lavish in your praise. Any time you see an improvement or you see an opportunity to give a compliment, do it. It will open doors to friendships and contacts.
  4. Practice Good Manners. Hold doors open, be kind, avoid taboo topics like politics and religion. If you have further questions, go read Emily Post.
  5. Practice Good Grooming. No one wants to smell you.

Music Etiquette

This list is more music-specific. Almost everything is unsaid, cultural norms.

  1. The Conductor/Leader’s word is law. It’s not up for debate. If your first chair or conductor says jump, you say how high. Be silent while the director speaks and try to keep eye contact when you can while playing.
  2. Do your five-minute warm-up. You arrived 10-15 minutes early (see #1 from the first list), so you have time to do your warm-up before you start running any parts.
  3. Greet Other Players. As other people come, or as you sit down, greet others within your vicinity. Stop your warm-up, look them in the eye, and say hi. If they want to chat, go ahead and chat for a bit. Otherwise, continue your warm-up.
  4. Own your mistakes. If there’s a crash and burn that’s your fault or you can’t hear whether you’re sharp or flat, apologize. It creates a good atmosphere.
  5. It’s better to be sharp than flat. When in doubt, go up. Other people are more likely to identify the flat person than the sharp person.
  6. Ignore the haters. Whenever I join a new ensemble, there’s almost always someone who instantly dislikes me. It’s instant and palpable, and it’s before I even have a chance to greet the other person. Still greet them, but otherwise ignore them and continue to be friendly with everyone else. They’ll either come around or leave. Another option that works occasionally is to ask advice, even if you already know the answer.
  7. NEVER practice someone else’s part. It can seem as though you’re out to get the other person.
  8. Put in your practice time at home. Rehearsal isn’t for practice, unless you’re running fingers or working on something before rehearsal starts.
  9. Clean your instrument. Taking the time to do this after rehearsal says a lot to the others about your musicianship and helps you keep your instrument in top shape. It also gives you a chance to chat with others while you put your instrument away.

Other Stuff

Here are some other things that I like to do that aren’t necessarily music ensemble etiquette, but make life easier.

  1. Talk to the Old-Timers. They will have cool stories and fabulous advice. Try to joke around with them to get them to open up.
  2. Ask Questions. Be a sponge. Others have a different background than you with different ideas that you can learn from.
  3. Try to Create a Relationship with the Leader(s). They’re in that position for a reason – they know more than you. See #2. Also, they might know about other gigs that are available to you.


When we all act with good etiquette, life goes smoother and everyone is more comfortable. When everyone in a musical ensemble is comfortable, they make better music. If you act properly among other musicians, you’re more likely to be asked to come back.


Harmonics are something that you learn about in physics class. They’re also practical in the music world. The more, better in tune, and stronger harmonics your tone has, the better it sounds.

What are Harmonics?

Harmonics are the overtones that your ear percieves, but can’t hear.

If you cut a string in half, it’s an octave higher. If you cut it in half again, it sounds a Perfect 5th higher. Here’s a list of the harmonic progressions below.

  1. Octave
  2. Perfect 5th
  3. Perfect 4th
  4. Major 3rd
  5. Minor 3rd
  6. Major 2nd
  7. Minor 2nd

The math and science behind this is here.

How Do Harmonics Affect Me as a Musician?

The stronger, better in-tune, and more various the harmonics, the better the sound.


Pianists may have checked out by now, thinking harmonics don’t affect us. They do.

You know how sometimes you have to hold down a note long past it has finished making a sound? The composer is using resonance by having you play other notes from the harmonic series, which activates that string.

You can use the harmonic series to double-check and make sure that a piano is in tune. Hold down the keys for each note in the harmonic series. Play the bottom note. If you can hear the higher sounds, the piano is decently in tune. This only works on an acoustic piano.

These two things happen because of the laws of physics involving resonance. I talk a lot about resonance here.


We use harmonics as part of our tone studies. The way we do that is by changing the air direction, pointing it higher with our lips. This causes a higher tone to come out – a harmonic. We can practice tuning the harmonics because when they’re in tune our sound is better, we can practice strengthening them, and we can practice adding them.

Here are some nice, easy, free studies to practice them. These ones are really good for helping you to tune your harmonics.

The first page of this book has harmonic studies that are a little bit harder. They’re more about aiming your air and helping you get a good sound and a large amount of harmonics on each note. The more harmonics you have on each note, the better your sound overall.

Bonus: Being able to play high harmonics also helps you hit the high notes with better sound and intonation.

Sometimes it’s fun to make up a harmonic exercise, too.

Extended Techniques

Every once in awhile, a piece will ask you to play a harmonic. It looks like a diamond over the top of two notes, like this.

Picture of a harmonic on the staff
This is the notation for a harmonic.

This technique is done for effect. The sound from a harmonic has less overtones and undertones, so the sound is a little bit different. I usually see it in pieces from the Romantic era.


You can use harmonics as a parlor trick, but they have a real usefulness about them. They’re especially useful in a winds, but they’re good to know about with every instrument.